As a tourist city, Yogyakarta has a variety of attractions that can be enjoyed by tourists, both foreigners and domestic tourists. To support this city as a tourist city, it is necessary also the existence of various sources of potential that can lift the image of the city of Yogyakarta as a tourism city, such as craft centers, many art crafts in the offer, which could attract tourists. Yogyakarta palace tourism object also one potential source of tourism that attracts tourists, because in it the values of history and high culture. one of the historic buildings owned by the Sultan's Palace is the building "Taman Sari, Taman sari, located still in the Yogyakarta palace complex, more precisely located behind Ngasem market. according to historical records, building the garden sari, was built in the reign of Sultan Hamengkuuwono I, and construction continued by Sultan Hamengkubuwono II and functions as a resting place from the first lane to lane III.Taman Gianti Sari was built after the agreement. Sultan Hamengkubuwono I need this building, which is used for reassurance, rest areas, and recreation for the entire royal family.
Building Taman Sari uses style Portuguese buildings. According to the story, the architect of this building is that in the Portuguese village headman named tegis.
Construction of the garden sari besides using labor from Yogyakarta own environment also comes from the region Kedu, Madison, Jipang and others. When the buildings are done, often also visited the Sultan had even slept in that place. When the Sultan was visiting Taman Sari, who represented the Sultan in all positions and duties are KGPA Adipaten Anom. Formerly sari park is vast, covering Ngasem markets, village park, and the surrounding region. The area was once part of "Segaran" or an artificial lake, and inns, or flower garden. basically, this building as a resting place, or places for recreation. but if we look at this building as a building not only for fun only. This can be seen with a building "culvert" or alley in the basement, and the building Cemeti island that serves as a place where no enemy reconnaissance coming.
Taman Sari has several main sections, which each of its parts has its own function or purpose. Like the sacred building Taman Sari shown by a building that is a bit aloof. This room consists of a building that serves as a place of hermitage Sultan.
The second part is the swimming baths. This building formerly used by the Sultan and his family to have fun. This building consists of two ponds separated by multistory buildings. water in the pond is out of the shower in the form of a dragon. the third is the building that Cananga island consists of several buildings, namely the island or islands Cananga whip, gemuling wells and underground corridors. Cananga islands or island Cemeti This is a tall building, which serves as a place to rest, and a place to lurk when the enemy comes. Gemuling wells is a building shaped like a circular wells, and inside there are rooms that formerly used as a place of prayer. Meanwhile, Lorong-Lorong who reside in this area, according to the story is as a secret passageway that connects the palace of Taman Sari, Yogyakarta. some even tell you, if we meneluuri this hall we will be up on the south coast. This corridor is also reputedly the way for the Sultan to meet Nyai Roro Kidul. The main function of this hall but also as a place of protection and defense for musuh.Tetapi according to one tour guide Taman sari, told, that in the year 1812 from Mount Merapi, the earthquake caused the building is damaged.
Formerly, the area is very spacious garden sari, but due to the earthquake from Mount Merapi, the majority of buildings change function Taman Sari became settlements. until now many damaged buildings can not be examined again Dans, an earthquake of trim.
According to Mr. Farid after the Taman Sari renofasi visitors who come can not confirm much, at least.
Taman sari is one of the world's 100 endangered sites damaged, and must be saved. sari parks are not only known in the archipelago only internationally but also recognize and admire the existence of Taman Sari. Then, as the heir to such property. we are obliged to preserve and maintain the building with a stretcher on the way it does not pollute, doodles, or actions that may damage the building of Taman Sari.
14 years ago
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